Double Glazing Repairs
I can fix/replace the individual components of your windows and doors (uPVC or Aluminium), and make them like new again. This can often be much cheaper than replacing the whole framework, and is less upheaval for the customer.
I often hear stories of companies who offer repairs, then never get back to customers with a price or explanation. I pride myself on my efficiency, in being able to source the correct parts, and providing the customer with a fixed price promptly. Despite many parts not being manufactured anymore, I use my knowledge and experience in this sector, to find and use parts that will do the same job, if not better.
I carry out all work myself, which I always aim to be as undisruptive to you as possible.
If I feel your window/door is beyond repair, or it would work out very expensive to fix, I will offer to provide you with a quote to replace the whole frame.
There is no obligation to accept this quote, and you are more than welcome to get prices from other companies.
Why choose David Sherlock?
I pride myself on being honest with my customers. As a self-employed workman I rely on every job I do to be a great example of my work. Here are a few other points that might help you choose me for your repair: